
Documents & Forms

MEASLES – How to Take a Mouth Swab:

How to take a mouth swab: use a dry swab and rub along the gum line for 2min (Figure 1) and send either in a universal container or in Cobas PCR media (Figure 2).

Please do not send a gel swab as this cannot be processed

Fig. 1

Fig. 2

RVL BELFAST Referral Forms:

Measles Investigation Request Form (M-2059 V3.0)

Investigation of contact with confirmed measles case in PREGNANT or IMMUNOSUPPRESSED patients (M-2589 V1.0)

Bordetella pertussis Investigation PCR Request Form (M-2656 V2.0)

Virology General Request Form (M-2037 V3.0)

Rapid Testing Respiratory Illness (M-2273 V5.0)

Pre-Biologic Screen WPE (M-1732 V6.0)

Post Bone Marrow Transplant Monitoring (M-1319 V6.0)

CMV Colitis Request Form (M-1724 V5.0)

Renal Dialysis Request Form (M-1271 V6.0)

Reproductive Health Services Medical & Surgical (M-2556 V3.0)

Fetal Ultrasound anomalies (M-1555 V7.0)

Investigation of B19 in Pregnancy (M-1343 V5.0)

Varicella Contact in Pregnancy (M-1978 V4.0)

Congenital Syphilis MOTHER (M-2477 V3.0)

Congenital Syphilis INFANT (M-2478 V3.0)

Milk Donor Request Form (M-2058 V5.0)

CTNG non GUM Request Form (M-2060 V4.0)

Occupational Health Screening (M-1736 V7.0)

Occupational Health – Needle Stick Injury (M-1940 V7.0)

GUM Virology Request Form (M-1315 V9.0)

HIV-1 Genotypic Resistance Form (M-2567 V2.0)

Lyme Disease Serology Form (M-1874 V6.0)

C. difficile Ribotyping Request Form (M-2062 V3.0)

Pseudomonas aeruginosa VNTR Typing Request Form (M-2057 V4.0)

Meningococcal Pathway (M-1375 V4.0)

Request forms for Referral Tests:

Rare and imported pathogens (P1)

Intrathecal Antibody Request Form (E22)